FRANCE, Ozoir-la-Ferrière, 6 juin 1976 (25 25 y.o.)

I now live in Paris since October 1975. From time to time, on a short trip to the South, I went to night observations. Here everything turns out to be more complicated. The population density does not allow complete isolation within at least sixty kilometers. Going outside the capital requires organizing a real expedition. I have to ensure my presence at all costs somewhere, on this important date. First anniversary of the confirmation of “contacted”. This is a good way to check the intelligence of the phenomenon, if it still shows up… On the metro map, I locate a national forest, served by the train. I’m going there for the first time, for observation. I’m taking a commuter train. I’m getting off at the station in Ozoir-la-Ferrière. It is located around forty kilometers from Paris. At the station, two solutions are available to me: either take the left road which leads into the woods, or the right one towards the small town. I have been given the opportunity to learn about the size of the population. The area is relatively populated. Nothing allows me to continue my experience. Do I have a choice?. After studying the map, the location becomes obvious. I will find it.
I take the road, pass the station. I opt for the road to the woods. Three kilometers further, after leaving the city, is a crossroad. In front of me, a wooden barrier forbids all movement on the forest track. Fantastic, I will be alone and will not be disturbed. The route extends the axis of the road. I continue for one kilometer, to reach another crossroad. This time it is a star-shaped intersection. It is called “Carrefour de la Ferrandière”. I observe the surroundings. Only the song of the birds is opposed to the complete silence which reigns without any sharing. Trees stand everywhere. This place, already very acceptable, consists of a flat, bare area, with a diameter of a hundred meters. I continue my expedition under a shaded path. A hundred meters to the left, I discover a formidable field, three hundred meters long by one hundred wide. No doubt remains. My intuition led me to this place conducive to my new attempt. Satisfied, I return to Paris. Impatient, I wait for the evening of June 6. I then take the train, knowing I have to spend the whole night waiting for the next day. I walk around the crossroads. Twilight invades everything. Before nightfall, I sink deeper into the woods for a few kilometers. I only notice a private property bordered by swamps. Slightly tired, I sit on a dead tree trunk. I wait until the end of the twilight to go to the middle of the field. The track darkens when the sun disappears.

I retrace, in the opposite direction, the entire route already completed. I stay for a moment at a crossroad. The magic instant allows to see the first bursts of constellations or planets. At around 11:00 p.m. on the summer schedule, the night is not yet complete. Luckily, only one small cloud sails in the twilight. I advance on the path, then place myself approximately in the middle of the field. Eyes turned towards the sky, I seek the configuration of the stars. I will thus recognize, the same as those identified in Aix-en-Provence. Naturally, I analyze the heavens in its fullness. What I see amazes me. I am amazed by the presence of a huge ball, like a silver egg, dazzling like the sun. Motionless, leaning against the treetops, at an inaccessible distance. Unreal vision… I believe that my hour has arrived. Did I want to know too much?. This appearance gives me such anguish, such fright, that I mentally beg it to leave me alone, not to come. I cannot bear anymore. From this appearance emerges an infinite emanation of love, mixed with hate. As if all opposites meet. I feel like I am not admitted into the great knowledge. As if the ball challenges me: do you have the dignity of an intelligent human being. At this second, I accept the challenge. I stare at it without looking down. I feel the call. I am scared. In response to my fright, the sphere moves very slowly, horizontally, to the right. Its intensity decreases. A white streak persists in the sky. After a course of five hundred meters, the ball bursts and disintegrates. It disappears. Only a white spot remains, while at its base arise three small silver balls. They fall describing a parable behind the trees. They follow one after the other, at a distance close to one kilometer. The duration of the observation did not exceed fifteen seconds.

I have long sought the meaning of this enigmatic apparition. After studying the cabal’s tree of life, I was still determined that night to believe in the visual representation of God’s creation of the world.
In Sof or Eyn Sof, is literally translated as “without limits”, “without end”, and more broadly as “unlimited” or “infinite”. Kabbalah uses this term to describe the hidden, transcendent essence of the One whose Holy Name is ineffable.
No more doubt, I am caught in an incredible programme. Coming back after exactly one year to the day is a great sign of interest. I still have no control over these meetings. How to interpret them?. There was no physical contact with a space being. Like a train, I line up on the rails of a station for a pre-planned journey without knowing where the next stop or the terminus will be.