FRANCE, Rocher de Dromon, 2013 (62 years old)

Antoll MA the morning of contact with Lucifer

June 6, 2013, corresponds to the esoteric symbolism of 666. The first “6” for the day, the second “6” for the month and the third “6” for the year. Particularly worried, I understand that it is the night of the Devil. For the first time, no one comes. I remain alone. The calm impresses me: no animal noises, no insects fly. Its hot. The sky is ink blue. The stars sparkle with all their lights.\

I go back and forth, walking on the tarmac path, in front of the Dromon. I stare at the sky. I wonder about the consciousness making us beings determined by a destiny, while a white light appears before the Big Dipper. It flashes then decreases. It changes into a very long yellow tube which disappears. Then it comes back, flashes, gets bigger and disappears into the night.

Ballet in a tube of light

Really, what a strange appearance! Is it the symbolism of reincarnation, of the soul entering and leaving a life’s course?. Was it a tiara or a crown drawn in the sky.

The 666 obsesses me, I need this recognition! A few minutes later, in the sky, a monstrous disc appears, above my head. It sends me a lightning bolt illuminating the surroundings. Finally, the long-awaited phenomenon happened. The Rock of Dromon is recognized as the world place of contact. After so many years of effort, despite a long latency, I am now rewarded. The crossing of the desert has fortunately ended.

Lucifer’s Appearance

This becomes more precise, the 6.6.2013 is confirmed masterfully. The entity behind the contact to its habits. No one came to this meeting. Often around thirty people turn up. The contactee is a person of trust. The meeting is not a fair. The consciousness or group of consciousness must at least be sufficiently advanced to absorb the direction of the appearance and especially the ray strike received in front of the head to the feet.

Observe how this two-part evening happened. The first would correspond to the extraterrestrial component which therefore justifies its contribution in apocalyptic contact. The second being that of the project manager.


It represents the three-day concatenation of preparatory contacts. 6 June 1975, 6 June 1977 and 5 June 1977.

The number 665 has its meaning in the Koran. It would be related to the messenger of God.

Surah “Al Baqara” is the longest in the Koran. It was the first surah revealed in Medina. Three letters, ALM, are placed at the beginning of this Surah in a particular way. Nobody, neither specialists nor novices, seems to know the meaning or even the ‘raison d’être of these three letters. Everything happens as if these three letters were part of a secret code. Beyond the apparent meaning of the Koranic text, there would be other messages that are inaccessible to the reader, if he does not know or if he cannot decipher this code.

The three letters LMA unknown by Muslims

Let us sum up the places of the double years, the letters taking the last L and the thirteenth position of MA. A, M and L i.e. 11 + 12 + 13 = 36.\

If we add the number 36, i.e.1 + 2 + 3 +… + 35 + 36, we get 666.

June 6, 1977 + 36 years positions us on the famous June 6, 2013. As you can see nothing is by chance.


The Rock of Dromom in St Geniez

The Rocher de Dromon located in Saint Géniez in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence is a private land. The owner lives at the foot of the Rock and the tenant works on this land with his ecological farm. There is a small park for visitors. It has about 30 parking spaces, which you can use to park and walk.

The Rock of Dromon was subject to a landslide. Access to the chapel was closed on July 5, 2023. Please contact the City Hall at:, or 06 72 34 81 36, or on the website: for further information.


If you wish to go there to breathe the atmosphere, I advise you to book a room at the cottage of chardavon, if you come from far. Cottage of chardavon

Site of the rural cottage of Chardavon
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by phone at +33 4 92 61 29 04

France Dromon

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